June 11, 2008

Cinder & I

Cinder & I was my first story that I wrote in 2nd grade. I hope you enjoy it!

One day Cinder and I were packing a picnic and getting a blanket and a basket. I got Cinder's leash. Then we went outside and we walked a little bit. Then we stopped. We did not know which way to go to the park. Then we asked our neighbor. She said to look at a map, so we went home and we looked. Finally we knew which way to go!

- by Courtney


Buzz Girl said...

Hey Court, love ur blog!
Brucie =)

Montana Mama said...

Hi U CUTE little Critter,
I hope U receive this comment. Let me know asap.
Love, Ahma

Montana Mama said...

Hi Critter Girl,
So happy to finally be able to talk with you.
We loved your story with Cinder and your walk to the park.
We have saved your messages on both phones,it was so good to hear your sweet voice.
We will talk more later.
Love you,
Montana Mama AKA Ahma!